10. ICMA Books
Here you can find the list of the winners of the 10th ICMA Award for Books. Each participant will also receive an email with his results.
10. ICMA Books Winner
Here you can find the list of the winners of the 10th ICMA Award for Books. Each participant will also receive an email with his results.
ICMA-Award – International Trends in Print and Online
Beatrice Monington West, editor-in-chief of CP Monitor magazine, interviews Norbert Küpper about the special features of the ICMA Award and about trends in the CP industry. The interview was published in 2018.
New branding for the ICMA Award
Studio Piraaat, an agency based in The Hague, The Netherlands, has developed the new branding for the ICMA Award. Four questions to the creators.
Examples of excellent work in category 2 – books
This document shows winners from category 2 - Books - of the 8th and 9th ICMA. The works come from these countries, among others: USA, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg and Germany. Winners include: Aalto University; The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles; Leiden Publications; The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Call for Entries 10th ICMA Books
How to participate in ICMA Books: 1. Choose category, 2. fill in the participation form, 3. wrap the publication, 4. send, 5. Make the payment.
The ICMA is also intended to be a marketing instrument for award winners.
Here are a few examples of how winners report on the awards they have won on their websites and in print media.