Here you can find all winners of the 10th ICMA Award for Books.
2. The Jury
2. Statistics
2. Certificates, Trophies, Award Ceremony
2.1. Academic Works, Educational Textbooks and Schoolbooks
2.2. Children‘s and Young People Books
2.3. Guides and Non-Fiction
2.4. Art Books
2.5. Photo Books
2.6. Book Series
2.7. Corporate Books
2.8. Innovative Book Ideas
2.9 General literature
2.10. Book Cover
2.11. Book Typography, Layout
2.13. Book Design/Buchausstattung
2.14. Print Finishing
All/5 Continent Editions/Aalto Arts Books/Alexander Rendi · Hatje Cantz/Anja Bohnhof · edition inventio/BOSZ/Brotlos Verlag/Bókadeild Foroya Lærarafelags/Carsten Kudlik & Lothar Ruttner/Chronos/Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH/Dressler Verlag/Echtzeit Verlag/Edition Bildperlen/Editions Lés Arènes/Editorial Planeta/Einar Turkowski/Eliane Diur/Elisabeth Sandmann Verlag/Fontaine Uitgevers/Gerstenberg Verlag/Gesellschaft für Film und Medien/Gottmer Uitgevers Group/Harald R. Fortmann/Heidlmair GmbH/Herbert von Halem Verlag/Hochschule Osnabrück Studienbereich Landschaftsarchitektur/Insel Verlag Berlin/Karl Knauer KG/KfW Bankengruppe/Kunstanstifter GmbH/Lannoo/Louvre Abu Dhabi/MFA Publications Museum of Fine Arts Boston/Matabooks/Melissa Publishing House LLC/National Gallery Singapore/Papadakis Publisher/Pavilion/Prestel/Profilwerkstatt GmbH/Roli Books/Slovart/Studio Last/Thames & Hudson/The Museum of Modern Art New York/Verlagsgruppe Oetinger/mareverlag/